Wesenberg: Polizeibusschule Kracht in Einen Baum


In Wesenberg, a small town in Germany’s state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a police driving school bus crashed into a tree. The accident occurred on Monday morning, and it was reported that several police recruits were injured.

According to witnesses, the driver lost control of the bus and crashed into a tree on the side of the road. This incident is a reminder of the importance of driver training, especially for those who operate large vehicles like buses.

The police driving school bus was carrying 13 recruits who were on their way to a training center in Neubrandenburg. The driver of the bus is reported to have lost control of the vehicle while negotiating a bend in the road. The bus reportedly skidded and then crashed into a tree on the roadside. Emergency services were quickly dispatched to the scene, and the injured police recruits were taken to the nearest hospital.

This incident highlights the importance of proper driver training, especially for those who are responsible for transporting passengers. Large vehicles like buses require specialized training, and drivers need to be well-trained in handling such vehicles. It is crucial that all drivers, especially those who have to operate large vehicles, be adequately trained before being allowed to drive on the roads.

Lokale Nachrichten aus Stader Tageblatt

In Germany, there are strict regulations regarding driver training, and all drivers have to undergo extensive training before they can obtain a license. However, incidents like this one show that more needs to be done to ensure that drivers are adequately trained. It is essential that driver training programs are regularly reviewed and updated to keep up with changes in traffic rules and regulations.


In conclusion, the recent incident in Wesenberg is a reminder of the importance of driver training. Drivers of large vehicles, especially buses, need to be well-trained to handle such vehicles safely.

Traueranzeigen und Nachrichten Donaukurier

It is crucial that driver training programs are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in traffic rules and regulations. We hope that all the injured police recruits recover quickly, and that incidents like this one serve as a wake-up call to improve driver training programs across the country.

In conclusion, accidents like the one in Wesenberg are unfortunate but serve as a valuable reminder of the importance of driver training. We hope that this incident serves as a wake-up call to those responsible for driver training programs across the country to ensure that all drivers are adequately trained,

especially those responsible for operating large vehicles like buses. It is our duty to ensure that our roads are as safe as possible, and we can achieve this only through proper driver training.

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